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How often do you change up your daily skincare routine? I’m a pretty big creature of habit, but I’ve added some new products to my daily skincare routine over the past several months. I use products from several different brands and feel like each product plays in integral role in keeping my skin hydrated, healthy, […]
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Have you noticed the foundation brushes trend on social media? I’m sure it’s something that’s been around for forever, but it’s definitely new to me. I first started seeing influencers share one specific brand – Artis – when it came to foundation brushes. I was intrigued because I love finding new things for y’all. So […]
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Do you have bath essentials you can’t live without? If I’m being honest, I never really cared too much about what products I used in the shower. I’ve always used dove soap and apart from that, any other products I used were usually items that were gifted to me. Throughout 2020 though, I started to […]
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Do you have a morning and evening skincare routine? One of the best things to come from 2020 was ample time to perfect my evening skincare regimen. There are several tried and true products I’ve always used, but I tried several new products throughout this past year, too. The main skincare issues for me are […]