covid safety precautions

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Do you have a holiday vacation planned this year? Are you traveling during the holidays? Are you nervous to partake in holiday events because of COVID? We are a yes to all of the above. We are planning on traveling to see my family in Colorado for Christmas and because of that and the high […]


how to create a fun holiday vacation your kids will never forget

helping kids process negative feelings

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. Do you give your kids room to express their negative feelings? Since becoming a mom, I’ve started to realize that we praise our kids for being independent, for smiling a lot, for being strong, etc. Sometimes it feels like we’re teaching our girls that they have to be tough or strong if they want […]


how to help kids express their negative feelings in a healthy way

free people maxi dress

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Without a doubt, the most requested blog post topic year after year is for me to share my time management tips. Honestly, I don’t think I’m asked this question because I have it all together or can handle more than other moms. No, rather I think it’s simply because my life is on display on […]


the best time management tips for moms

parenting kids when they lie

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A big thank you for everyone that offered up advice on how to parent lying kids. Last week on Instagram I asked you all how to parent kids when they lie and I received thoughtful advice from pediatricians, nurses, moms, and school teachers. Each person had a nugget of wisdom, and everyone responded from a […]


How To Parent Your Kids When They Lie To You

mifold best portable car seat

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Constantly on the search for the best car seat? Me too! As Emma Grace gets older we have quickly realized the need to have more than one car seat. Why? Carpooling of course! More and more we’re finding ourselves in situations where a friend asks if they can take Emma home to play or bring […]


The Best Car Seat That Is Portable And Safe