5 Helpful Tips to Maintain Your Fitness Resolutions

pink live in zella leggings

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pink live in zella leggings


Happy Wednesday, loves! It has been a hot minute since I’ve posted so I am happy to be back in this little space with y’all today! 2019 is in full swing now and so are all of our new year’s resolutions. Or at least they should be…

Each year I pick a word of the year (you can find my 2019 word here), but I also set several goals I want to work toward. I like to set goals for each category of my life – family, friends, work, and personal. This year my main personal goal is to get healthy and feel confident in my body. I have started the program Fast Track to Fit to increase my knowledge on the proper nutrition for my body and to get in a regular fitness routine. You can read more about why I chose this program here and use code “Anna10” to get 10% off if you decide to join me.

Another goal I set for myself is to actually keep my resolutions. Every year seems to be the same for most people – you’re all in at the first of the year and then your momentum and motivation fizzles as the year progresses. I did not want that to be the case this year so I created 5 tips to help me maintain my resolutions.

pink live in zella leggings

5 Tips to Maintain Your Fitness Resolutions

  1. Create a Plan – create a plan that is specific and detailed. General goals like “lose weight” don’t have action behind them. Instead, create a detailed plan that will help you achieve your goal. This removes any anxiety you may have and it makes it easier for you to work toward your goal. For me, I signed up for a program – Fast Track to Fit – that provides daily workouts and a nutrition plan. I work well within structure and like that I already have my next 6 weeks laid out for me. It makes meal prepping and working out attainable.
  2. Learn – blindly following a plan may lead you to achieving your goal, but it won’t help you in the long run. Take time to learn while you are working toward your goal. If you learn about the why behind the food you’re eating or the workouts you’re doing, you’re more likely to make your fitness plan become a lifestyle. I’ve done too many fad diets and fitness plans to know that once they’re done it’s out of sight out of mind. Don’t let this happen to you!
  3. Accountability – this should probably be #1. We all know that accountability is one of the best things when trying to achieve a new goal. To me, good accountability comes in 2 forms: people and checkpoints. Find a person – a friend or loved one – that will hold you accountable. Pick check-in times that work for you. For example, with my FTTF program, I have daily check-ins with the program director and my best friend. You are way more likely to stay on track this way! I also think quarterly checkpoints are good. This is something new I’m implementing this year. Make a note on your calendar at the beginning of each new quarter to review your goals. This will keep you mindful of the goals you set and will give you an easy way to track how you’re doing.
  4. Lifestyle compatibility – make sure your goals and plans fit within your lifestyle. You’re much more likely to keep them up if they genuinely work for you and your life. For example, I picked a plan that works for my current stage of life and one that works financially. I am much more likely to maintain my fitness regimen if it fits easily into my life and schedule.
  5. Give yourself grace – this is the hardest thing for me to do, but it’s essential. When you experience a bump in the road or get off plan slightly, don’t beat yourself up about it. Regroup, find out why you strayed from your plan, and determine a way to keep you focused. Give yourself grace to mess up a little. None of us are perfect, which means we are not likely to follow our plan perfectly. So, don’t get down if you fall off track, simply get back on your horse and keep going!

For those wanting outfit details, let’s chat! Both my top and bottoms are by my favorite workout brands – Zella. Everything they make fits so well and is super comfortable. Their line is also very affordable. In fact, they have a sister line – Z by Zella that’s sold at Nordstrom Rack and is even less expensive. I knew I would need some serious motivation in the fitness department, so I put several new items on my Christmas list. My tried and true workout leggings are the “Live-in leggings” by Zella. I have them in black and wear them weekly. So, I put this fun pink color on my list this year and got them! I highly recommend both!

Some of my very favorite athleisure tops are by Zella, too. They make really great tops and outerwear that can be thrown on after you workout or worn to run errands in. I recently got this twist front top to wear while running around and I love the way it fits. I wanted a looser fit, so I did size up one size (wearing a medium). I find that I get so much wear out of tops like these. I grab for these types of tops when I’m running errands, after I’ve worked out, or when I get home from work. It’s good to have a couple in your closer for sure!

LATELY ON FLEURDILLE…The Best Heart Outfits for Valentine’s Day, 5 Beauty Resolutions Every Girl Should Make, New Year, New You Clean Out Challenge.

pink live in zella leggingstan leather marc jacobs pursepink live in zella leggingspink live in zella leggings

top: zella | leggings: zella | shoes: target | bag: marc jacobs | sunnies: karen walker

photography: fort lion studio
