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Happy Sunday, loves! I hope you’re all having a great weekend and are getting ready for a new week! A week full of fire works, sales, hot dogs, and swimming. Today I’m kicking off a new little series. {Most} Sundays I will be sharing a “weekend edit” with you guys full of simple thoughts and some of my favorite items.

  1. I just got this Kopari coconut deodorant in the mail and am excited to try it out this week.
  2. The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is coming up. Now is the time to become a member so you can shop early on July 11th.
  3. Want to try the round sunglasses trend? This $55 pair is a great place to start.
  4. This dress (under $70) was a big hit yesterday. I wore it to a shower, to church, and to date night!
  5. This Kerastase Elixir Oil came highly recommended by you guys. I am trying it to repair my dry, damaged hair from the pool. After one use I am already seeing a difference. It’s kind of remarkable.
  6. This week I’ve been reading Unexpected by Christine Caine. It’s so good; like SO good.
  7. These running shorts were a great sale find this week. Only $22 and come in several colors.
  8. I’ve heard a lot about Drunk Elephant beauty products – clean ingredients, so I’m trying a starter package this week.
  9. The back-to-school collection at Cecil and Lou just launched and it’s so dang cute!
  10. These leather slingback sandals are so comfortable. They feel like you’re wearing slippers. I wore them all weekend and plan on wearing them all summer.