the weekend edit:
How cute is this “weekend vibes” bag ?
I feel like my herbs die so quickly so I’m debating getting this herb saver .
The cutest subscription service for kids activities! We just got our latest box and the girls are obsessed!
So excited to start using this repair cream for my heels. No pedicure since January has been brutal.
Ordering these makeup wash cloths so my wash clothes will never get dirty and stained again!
Hi, white maxi dress . I need you in my life ASAP.
Really cute top to wear now and on into fall with a suede or motto jacket.
I think I may need these jeans for fall (especially since they’re 50% off!).
I LOVVVE the cut of this sweatshirt (have it in 2 colors), and it’s now on sale for under $30!!
This is a great long cardigan for fall and it’s under $20!