the best way to style a denim skirt for fall

women button front denim skirt

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women loft eyelet detail sweater

Can you believe denim skirts are trending again? I have very clear memories of the cutoff denim mini skirt trend from high school. Although I embraced the trend fully then, it was one of those trends I didn’t think I’d embrace when it made it’s way back around. For some reason I just didn’t think I’d be able to pull it off in my 30s or as a mom.

women button front denim skirt

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Well guys, the denim skirt is officially back. While frayed hem denim skirts are really popular right now, so are button front denim skirts. This one from Madewell is perfect for this mom – appropriate length, classic, and still flattering and trendy. It has been selling out super fast, too, but this one from LOFT is almost identical and even cheaper!

Now I recognize best is a relative term, but I truly believe the best way to wear a denim skirt in the Fall is paired with a sweater. For one, it’s easy. All you have to do is throw on a sweater – any color – and you’re ready to go. My second reason is that nothing scream “fall” more than a sweater. You can opt for a chunky knit, a fitted sweater, or even a longer cardigan. There really isn’t a type of sweater that wouldn’t look good with a denim skirt.

Once you’ve picked out your sweater of choice, pair it with fun booties. I found these booties from Target of all places and they’re so affordable. They caught my eye because they’re similar to this Madewell pair I’ve been eyeing, but a fraction of the cost.

women button front denim skirtwomen button front denim skirtwomen button front denim skirtwomen button front denim skirt

sweater: loft | skirt: madewell (similarsimilar) | shoes: target | sunnies: karen walker | bag: hobo (similar, similar)

photography: fort lion studio
