My New Year’s Resolution: SIMPLIFY

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Simplify: my new year’s resolution.

In years past, I have given into my type-A personality and created a pretty intense spreadsheet of goals for the new year. Sound intense? It was. I broke my goals down into categories: fitness, nutrition, work, wife, mom, friend, God, you name it. Then I created goals within each category. It was a lot. It was overwhelming to say the least and often unrealistic to attain all of them.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with setting goals in multiple areas of your life, but the way I was going about it fed right into the do more, have more, buy more, attain more lifestyle that is so heavily preached in our society. What ended up happening was I felt spread thin. I felt like I wasn’t able to achieve each goal at 100% but rather 70% or 80% and then when I didn’t meet a goal, I beat myself up about it. Not exactly the best recipe for success.

So, this year I’m taking a different approach. I’ve chosen one word: simplify, in hopes that it will pervade into every area of my life. My hope is that by applying this word to my life, making it a part of my being, that I will appreciate life more and get caught up in the “world” less.

Looking back over the past couple of years, my life has been packed full of stuff. All fun, but a lot. I’m talking social commitments every night, being a part of more organizations than I have time for, and accumulating lots of things. Yes, I still want to do all of the things I’ve been doing, but on a smaller, simpler scale.

I want to simplify my social life – to be able to say “no” to some things and spend more time at home with my girls instead. I want to be a part of fewer organizations, which would allow me to give 100% to them instead of 60% to each. I want to simplify my diet: eat clean and healthy and cut out the junk. I want to simplify my exercise routine: to feel comfortable running outdoors (which I love) and not feel pressure to join all the popular fitness organizations. I want to simplify my personal style. I want to simplify my time with the Lord – to focus on deepening my relationship with God and not let it be about how many different devotionals or christian books I can read. I want to simplify my possessions. I want to focus on keeping/buying pieces and things that are classic and meaningful and get rid of all the excess – the clothes I don’t wear, the toys we don’t play with, the kitchen gadgets I’ve never used, etc.

So, here’s to hoping that a more simple life will help me to keep my focus in the right place! Cheers!

Now, what are you resolutions for the new year? Have you ever tried simplifying your life? I’d love to hear how it worked for you!

xx – anna
