The Best Dallas Hotel For a Staycation

best dallas hotel staycation

It is no secret that we strongly believe the Fairmont Dallas is the best Dallas hotel for a staycation!

After being cooped up pandemic style in our house for over 6 months, we were itching for a change of scenery. We wanted to go somewhere that wouldn’t require a long drive or a plane ride (not quite ready for that). We also wanted to go somewhere that was safe and would provide safe entertainment.

Naturally, we started to look into one of our favorite hotels – the Fairmont Dallas –  to see what safety precautions they were taking during this time. We were truly blown away by all the safety precautions they were taking and how serious they were about keeping their guests safe and yet still providing them with an enjoyable experience.

In addition to the safety precautions the Fairmont Dallas was taking, we were attracted to this specific hotel because of the entertainment it had to offer. We knew we would be spending a lot of time on the premise for safety reasons and knew from past experiences that we would fully enjoy a staycation where we were onsite a bit more. The Fairmont Dallas has one of the best rooftop pools in Dallas with a beautiful view of the skyline. They also have a fun little garden on the terrace where the girls love visiting to see the beehives.

We also decided to book a suite and put the girls on a pullout couch to give us a little extra space to play games and watch movies together.

Use code: PWEL to get 30% off your stay through the end of December 2020!! Enjoy babes!

The Best Dallas Hotel For a Staycation:

best dallas hotel staycation

dress: free people ($50)

Safety First –

I’m not going to lie though, we were all a little bit nervous as we pulled up to the entrance. After all, this was the first time we’ve stayed a weekend at a hotel since February! However, our nerves were quickly put at ease the second we stepped out of our car.

As always, we were greeted by a smile and warm hello of the concierge. The doors to the hotel were automatic to prevent guests from touching them. There were stickers on the floor reminding guests to keep their distance, and they took each of our temperatures when we arrived. Once we were cleared to enter, we used hand sanitizer provided by the hotel and headed to our room. Again, the hotel elevator had signs to remind people to wear their masks and keep their distance.

Upon arriving in our impeccably clean room, we were informed that housekeeping was not running at the moment to prevent more people from coming into your room. Of course if you specially requested something they were happy to accommodate you, but we were glad that we would be the only people in our room. Convinced this is the best Dallas hotel yet?

best dallas hotel staycation

Fairmont Dallas Safety Precautions:

  • automatic doors at entrance
  • signs around hotel/in elevator to wear a mask + socially distance
  • temperature check upon arrival
  • all rooms extensively cleaned before hotel opening
  • extra masks handed out upon arrival if needed
  • QR code menus
  • all personnel wearing masks
  • no housekeeping services unless requested to minimize the number of people in your room
  • contactless checkout services
  • lounge chairs at pool spaced 6 feet apart

best dallas hotel staycationbest dallas hotel staycation

Exhale & Relax (Safely):

One of the reasons we firmly believe the Fairmont is the Best Dallas hotel for a staycation during this crazy pandemic climate is because of the pool! We spent Friday evening poolside as well as most of Saturday. We loved that we could relax on a lounge chair without a mask since they were 6+ feet apart from the next set of chairs. The girls loved the opportunity to swim, too, and practice their cannon balls!

Another benefit to hanging poolside is that you can order food from their grab-and-go menu to eat outdoors. We loved the option of eating outside as we aren’t quite ready to take our whole family to an indoor restaurant.

PS – I HIGHLY recommend the sweet potato bowl if you go!

best dallas hotel staycationbest dallas hotel staycation

Exploring Dallas (Safely):

Although we spent the majority of our time in the hotel and poolside, we wanted to do a bit of exploring while were downtown. We’ve stayed at the Fairmont a couple of times with the girls and it’s become a tradition! So, Travis researched a couple things we could do that were entertaining and outdoors to keep us safe.

The first thing we did was find the giant whale mural. The mural, right around the corner of the Fairmont Dallas, is massive, y’all! The girls had never seen it and thought it was the coolest thing!

best dallas hotel staycation

The second thing we did was walk to a new(er) park that we had yet to visit – Pacific Plaza Park. It’s truly such a gorgeous park with a large green space, swings for kids and adults, and a seesaw that the girls loved!

best dallas hotel staycation

After taking some time to explore our city, we returned to the hotel to cool off by the pool, and then cleaned up and headed down to their Pyramid Bar. Although we hadn’t eaten in an indoor restaurant up until this point, we felt super safe by their bar. All tables were spaced out, extra chairs were removed, and it wasn’t busy at all.

We grabbed a table, ordered a drink for us and Shirley Temples for the girls, and spent an hour or so playing card games with each other. Then we ordered some pizza to be delivered and enjoyed a slow night of pizza and movies!

best dallas hotel staycationbest dallas hotel staycation

Outfits From Our Staycation:

best dallas hotel staycation

dress // sunnies // bag // shoes

best dallas hotel staycation

top // jeans // sandals // bag // sunnies

best dallas hotel staycation

suit // coverup // necklace // sunnies // sunglass chain

If you’re ready for a little getaway, we have a treat for you! Use code: PWEL to get 30% off your stay through the end of December 2020!! Enjoy babes!

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Our stay was sponsored by the Fairmont Dallas. However, all opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting those brands that support Fleurdille!
