tie dye – one of the biggest and brightest trends for spring

top: evereve

Hi, babes! Today is all about tie dye. Tie dye is one of the biggest trends for spring. As y’all know, my everyday wardrobe is pretty neutral. However, I do have a little fun with color and patterns in my workout wardrobe. For some reason it seems to just work. And that’s exactly how I tried the tie dye trend. I got this top from Evereve and can’t seem to stop wearing it. For one, it’s so soft. I also think it’s a fun way for me to embrace the tie dye trend without getting out of my comfort zone.

If you’re boldly embracing this trend, then have you seen the tie die golden gooses yet? Aren’t they so freaking fun? I also love this tie dye swim suit. I’ve rounded up some of my favorite tie dye pieces out there for y’all and hope you find something that suits your style! Simply click on an image below to shop!

tie dye picks:


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