This versus That: Lengthening or Volumizing Mascara

lengthening mascara versus volumizing mascara

Happy Tuesday, babes! I posted this survey in yesterday’s blog post and on instagram stories over the weekend, and the responses have been so helpful. I love learning more about you all and hearing exactly what you want me to talk about.
One of the biggest requests that I’ve received so far is for me to share more about fitness, health, and beauty. So, I will be reworking my blog editorial calendar to bring you more of just that! And on that note, let’s talk mascara!
As most of y’all know by now, I am starting to switch all my beauty products and make-up over to clean beauty products. It’s a slow process, but one I believe will be worth it. Worth it not just because I’m putting safer products on my face, but worth it because I’m showing my two girls the importance of caring for your body the best you know how.
One of the first products I purchased was mascara. I have super short eyelashes and wear mascara most days simply because if I don’t, you can’t see my eyes. I had heard people rave about two mascaras from Beauty Counter – the volumizing mascara and the lengthening mascara. Both are just under $30, so not as cheap as mascara from the drug store, but definitely not as expensive as some of the ones I had been using.
I purchased the volumizing mascara first and about a month later I got the lengthening mascara. My honest reviews of both are below.

volumizing mascara v. lengthening mascara:

  • volumizing mascara – this mascara gets 4/5 stars out of 897 reviews…not bad! It’s one of BC’s best sellers, but if I’m being honest, I was not a huge fan. I liked it, but didn’t love it. It definitely did it’s job – creating more volume without flaking or smudging, but I quickly realized that wasn’t the look I was going for. Length was what I needed. Additionally, the mascara tub started clumping up after just 4 weeks. Not a huge deal, but I like to use my mascara for more than 1 month and that just kind of bugged me. All in all, not a bad mascara by any means, but not what I needed. I think using this combined with the lengthening mascara would be ideal for my short eyelashes.
  • lengthening mascara – 4/5 stars out of 1346 reviews. Now this, is my jam. I absolutely love this mascara and will be ordering it over and over. It goes on so well, does not clump on your eyelashes or in the tube, and truly does lengthen your eyelashes. The applicator brush does a great job of separating your eyelashes too, so they fan out perfectly. It’s smudge proof and doesn’t flake at all.
So, depending on your eyelashes, either one is a good choice. If you have shorter eyelashes like me, I would definitely recommend the lengthening mascara first and then if you do need more volume too, I would combine the two mascaras.I will be combining the two over the next couple of weeks and will keep you posted on how it works!