The Fitness Program That Is Changing My Life And Lifestyle

the fitt cycle fitness program

anna – wrap: nordstrom | leggings: similar | shoes: target // emma – top: old navy | leggings: old navy | shoes: nike

Happy Tuesday, Fleurdille fam! I have been so excited to share today’s post with you guys! Today I am sharing my new fitness and nutrition program with you all that is changing my life and my lifestyle.

As a bit of background, I’m a pretty regimented person and I like to think of myself as a healthy person. I typically work out regularly – often in the form of running – and eat healthy for the most part. I rarely eat sweets or fast food and eliminated caffeine from my diet over a year ago. However, I have never quite felt myself since having my second daughter, Abigail, which was 3 years ago by the way. From the outside, I look fine and you would probably say I have nothing to lose. I would agree that I have been able to dress well for my body and have been able to hide my insecurities. However, I have struggled to love my post-baby body.

I have tried every workout program and every diet under the sun it feels like in hopes to regain the love I had for my pre-baby body. Please note I say the “love” I had for my pre-baby body. I am well aware that my body will never look like it did before kids and I have zero problem with that – I love the journey my body has been on and the two blessings it’s given me. What I miss though, is the love I had for my body and the confidence I had in myself. I want to feel my best and believe I am truly being the best, healthiest version of myself.


From about September to December I was not able to workout. I was nursing several small injuries and had to listen to my body. I also stopped monitoring what I was eating as closely. Then, the holidays happened. Bye, bye healthy eating. Although I was enjoying the occasional food splurge, I was not happy with how I was feeling. My clothes were tighter, I felt tired and sluggish, my skin was breaking out, and I was waking up frequently during the night.

Then, one day in December I listened to my friend, Heather, talk about her journey with The FITT Cycle. I listened to her pour her heart out as she said that not only had she gone down two pants sizes and gained muscle, but she was learning to love and value her body. She felt more confident than ever. That’s when I contacted Lindsay, the owner of The FITT Cycle. I wanted to know more.

Lindsay, a former RN, laid out the 3 components of the program – intermittent fasting, carb cycling, and daily workouts. She explained each piece in detail and told me this program was meant to be a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. The workouts seemed very reasonable – I could do them from the gym or home. But, what sold me was the accountability and the nutrition piece. Believe it or not, Lindsay checks in with those in her program daily. The FITT Cycle also provides sample meal plans, recipes, and teaches you how and what to eat to yield the best results from your workouts. I had never heard of a program that combined nutrition and workouts so intentionally.

Then I did what any good person would do and I stalked The FITT Cycle instagram. Y’all, the before and after photos were crazy and every seemed so happy in their comments. I was sold and decided to give it a shot.


I’ll be honest here that I am not going to share all of my measurement updates until after my 6 week mark. I took measurements and weighed myself at the beginning of the program, and vowed to not do it again until the end. I did get a little too curious however last week and took my waist measurement and y’all – my waist is DOWN 2.5 INCHES!!!! But the biggest physical difference I have seen is how my clothes are fitting. I’m down 1 jean size and everything is fitting as it should – my pants and my panties!

There is so much more than just a physical gain however and I want to share it all with you guys so you can fully grasp how life changing this program can be! So, scroll down and read the benefits I’ve experienced and please be sure to ask me any questions you might have!

week 3 wins of the FITT cycle:

  • ACCOUNTABILITY – I believe the key to any fitness program is accountability and the FITT Cycle knocks it out of the park in this area. Accountability comes in 2 forms. Firstly, you have daily check-ins with Lindsay, the owner of the program. She checks everyone’s macros (your way of staying accountable to your eating). Secondly, you’re put in a Facebook group with other women where workouts are posted daily and you have a safe space to ask questions. It’s also a great form of encouragement.
  • DAILY CHECK-INS – mentioned briefly above, you post your macros to your Facebook group every evening. Then Lindsay checks your macros and will help you adjust your workout for the next day if need be. It’s truly incredible!! It’s kept me from taking that extra glass of wine so many times.
  • FLEXIBILITY OF PLAN – y’all, this is what makes this plan doable. It’s flexible and lets you experience life as you should. From the beginning Lindsay encourages you to stay dedicated to the program but to also live your life. If you go on a date with your husband, order dessert – enjoy it! If you go on vacation and cheat a little – good for you, you should enjoy your time. Just get back on track afterwards. Messing up one meal, one day, or even a week doesn’t throw you completely off. It removes any guilt you may have experienced with other workout programs.
  • MEAL PLAN – this is not a key piece for the program, but it really helped me. Every day is is either a low carb day or a high carb day. There’s a 4 week meal plan you can purchase and it’s definitely worth it. It gives a rough outline of meal ideas and really helped me get the hang of macro tracking.
  • COOKBOOK – just like the meal plan, the cookbook is not essential, but boy is it helpful! I highly, highly recommend it. Also, every single recipe tastes delicious! My husband has loved every single meal and has asked me to cook the hamburger helper twice since first making it.
  • FEWER BAD CRAVINGS – after eliminating added sugars and processed foods from my diet, I have been shocked at the fact that I no longer crave things like chips or Chick-fil-a fries.
  • NOT BLOATED – this was major. My bloating decreased several days after starting the program and I haven’t
  • MORE ENERGY – this has been a crazy surprise to me. My energy level has increased drastically. I struggled for most of 2018 to wake up at 5AM and couldn’t never do it. Since starting the program I’ve woken up at 5AM almost every single week day without any problems. I’m also able to stay up later and and more clear-headed.
  • YOU CAN STILL ENJOY YOUR CRAVINGS – that’s right, you can still enjoy your cravings. Most of you know by now that I’m a wine-o and y’all, I can still have wine on this program. Now, I am strategic on when I drink it, but I still have it! That’s a win for me!
  • LOSING INCHES – this part is so exciting. My waist is down 2.5 inches, you guys! I love that this program doesn’t focus on the scale. Yes, losing weight is great, but this focuses on losing fat and gaining muscle and definition. I haven’t weighed myself yet, but I’ll take 2.5 inches down in 3 weeks.
  • BETTER SLEEP – this is another “win” that I wasn’t expecting. Historically, I have woken up 2-3 times per night, but since starting this program I don’t wake up at all during the night!
  • AFFORDABLE – drum roll ladies…The FITT Cycle just switched over to a monthly membership. For only $39 per month (there is a $60 enrollment fee), you get access to the following:
    • The FITT Cycle program portal, program guide, and daily workouts
    • detailed coaching to help you track YOUR specific macros
    • access to exclusive recipes
    • The FITT Cycle TV – any and all educational videos on hot topics
    • bi-monthly live Q&A sessions with Lindsay
    • Daily accountability and support from the FITT Cycle community and Lindsay
    • daily focus and coaching from Lindsay

Click HERE to join The FITT Cycle for only $39 per month! 
