the best place to buy toys and save money

This post was created in collaboration with Walmart. All opinions are my own and all items were hand-picked by me. Thank you for supporting those brands that support Fleurdille. 

toddler girl walmart toys

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Hi, babes! I have my mom hat on (my favorite hat I might add) for today’s blog post. With Emma entering into first grade and Abby entering into the oh-so-fabulous fours (insert eye roll), we’ve had a lot of emotions flying around. For a while there it was starting to seem like chaos, but things seem to be under control now…for the time being at least.

We started using a behavior chart that encourages the girls to work together toward different levels of prizes. It’s been so fun to see them work together and encourage each other to have better behavior. They finally reached one level of prizes on their behavior chart, which means they get a tangible reward. So, Travis and I surprised them with a couple new toys to play with! Our prizes won’t always be toys, sometimes it will be something as simple as ice cream, but we really wanted to get them excited this first round! So, we went to Walmart a couple of weeks ago and got them a couple new things to play with.

toddler girl walmart toys

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The girls are super into legos right now so we thought it would be fun to gift them some legos. We found the Lego Friends toys they’re obsessed with at Walmart and instantly knew the girls would love them. I honestly think they would have played all night if we had let them. Y’all know I’m a sale junkie, so I did my due diligence and price shopped around for the best bargain for the toys we wanted. The best price ended up being Walmart! It ended up being perfect because a trip to Walmart actually saved me from having to run several other errands that day. I was able to get their toys, a couple new outfits for school, a fall craft or two, and a couple grocery items for dinner. Love me a one-stop-shop.

I’m not going to lie, when we were getting the girls their lego surprises, we happened to walk by the girls clothing section and couldn’t resist these $6 leopard leggings. Of course I had to find matching tops to with them, but it ended up being $25 for all 4 pieces! I got this sweater for Abby and this top for Emma to go with it. While girls love dresses, it is so much more practical to have them in shorts or leggings when they get home and start running around.

toddler girl walmart toystoddler girl walmart toys

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They’re also really into the Toy Story movies right now, so we gifted Abby Bo Peep for her birthday and she ended up getting Woody, the Alien, and the horse, too! It’s been fun watching the girls re-enact the movie scenes and make up their own! Again, same song, different verse – the best prices we could find were at Walmart AKA America’s best toy shop, AND they had all the characters at our local store. The other thing I’ve learned to love about getting the girls toys at Walmart is that I can order them online and then pick them up. It saves me time, money, and my sanity!

toddler girl walmart toystoddler girl walmart toystoddler girl walmart toys

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Another thing I’ve been trying to do to keep the girls from fighting is to have small projects for them to work on when they get home from school. The last time I was at Walmart I found these super affordable canvases and paints and thought they would make for the cutest art project! Emma and Abby love to color and paint, so they had a blast decorating canvases for Fall to display in their room. It’s kind of crazy what a little creativity and a couple bucks will do for kids’ imaginations!

toddler girl walmart toys

PS – we’ve gotten inquiries from you guys on the girls’ lofted beds over the past couple of weeks, and they are from Walmart, too! We opted to do 2 lofted beds in their room to give them enough space to play and create. The reviews were amazing, they are crazy affordable ($129/bed), and it’s given the girls so much extra space! We highly recommend them!

photography: maribel morales
