Kale Chips

kale chips

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I mentioned last week that my husband and I are trying to eat clean and so far, so good! One of my saving graces has been stocking our fridge and pantry with healthy snacks. Some of our favorite are hummus and mushrooms, pepper slices dipped in salsa, and kale chips. I’m a big time snacker and half the time I think I just like to have something in my hand. So, making something like kale chips keeps me busy for awhile, gives me that crunch I crave, and is healthy! Plus, they’re super easy to make! Below is the recipe and I’d love to hear if you have any variations of your own!


1 bunch kale


salt & pepper


1. preheat your oven to 300 degrees

2. cover your cookie sheet with foil (makes for easy clean up)

3. rinse your kale in a bowl of cool water and pat dry with a towel or paper towel

4. chop your kale into bit-size pieces

5. spread your chopped kale evenly on the cookie sheet

6. drizzle with EVOO and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste

7. mix the kale around to coat it evenly with EVOO

8. spread the kale out on the cookie sheet so that the leaves don’t touch each other

9. bake at 300 degrees for 15 minutes or until crispy (every oven is different)

10. ENJOY!

xo – anna
