how to maintain your fitness regimen on vacation

lou & grey love wins shirt

top:lou & grey | leggings: amazon | sunnies: karen walker | shoes: nordstrom rack

Hi, babes! We’ve kicked off yet another vacation – our last big trip for the summer! We got our beach fix in and now we’re spending a week in the mountains. 

For those that are new, I grew up camping with my family every summer outside of Silverton, CO in the San Juan mountains. It’s absolutely beautiful and it’s a trip I look forward to each year! It feels like over time my excitement has increased and the memories have gotten even sweeter since being able to share this place with my husband and kids. 

With back to back trips this summer though I haven’t been able to stay on my regular fitness regimen. In the past, I would say “screw it” and eat and drink whatever I wanted and not workout. Unfortunately, not only does that not work physically anymore (helloooo life in my 30s), but I don’t really like how it makes me feel mentally – tired and sluggish. So, this summer and specifically for this camping trip, I’ve taken a different approach. 

I want to allow myself to enjoy my vacations – good food, sweet treats here and there, a glass of vino or two, but also stay on track physically. I think it’s so important to really enjoy the place your visiting and immerse yourself in new cultures, so I think some version of “cheating” is required. I also know I don’t like coming home feeling bloated and groggy, like I’ve ruined all my progress. So, I’ve outlined below the approach I’m taking this week to stay on track and maintain my fitness regimen while enjoying my vacation. 

how to maintain your fitness regimen on vacation

control what you can, enjoy the rest!

For me, staying on track nutritionally is much harder than staying on track physically. My advice here is to control what you can and enjoy what you cannot. For this trip I have brought and planned out my lunch meals and several dinners. I know there will be times that we eat out or stop for ice cream though, and I plan on fully enjoying those meals too!

cheat strategically

Occasional cheat meals seem to help me stay on track. Does that resonate with you? It often gives me a much needed mental break. So, instead of beating yourself up for “cheating,” plan out your cheat meals. Allow yourself to reallllly cheat. If I know ahead of time I’m going to have a “cheat meal,” I try to do it on a high carb day (for those doing the FITT Cycle) or a day where I’m highly active. 

bring your workouts with you

Finding ways to workout while on vacation can be a challenge, but it’s definitely not impossible. If you’re in a hotel, use their gym! If not, I recommend downloading some fitness videos. I personally plan on doing the FITT cycle vacation workout with my new resistance bands. Bands are light and easy to pack and bring with you!

planned snacks

You may not be able to control your meals, but you can most definitely control your snacks. We always travel with our own snacks and it keeps us from dipping into chips or candy. I gravitate toward snacks like mini nut packages, PB, or fruit.

build in natural active time

If you aren’t able to find time to do an actual workout, plan in some natural active time like playing volleyball on the beach, going for an evening walk, or hiking! Get your body moving!

ditch the scale

It’s inevitable that your weight will fluctuate on vacation weather it’s actual weight gained or bloat. So instead of getting right on the scale when you get home and beating yourself up, ditch the scale for a week or two (or altogether) and give your body some time to readjust. 

lou & grey love wins shirtlou & grey love wins shirt

top:lou & grey | leggings: amazon | sunnies: karen walker | shoes: nordstrom rack

photography: maribel morales
