How to Celebrate Women’s Equality Day

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women pink satin floral kimono

Happy Women’s Equality Day!! Did you even know it was Women’s Equality Day? I am embarrassed to say that I honestly did not know August 26th was Women’s Equality Day. I’m embarrassed not just because I’m a woman, but because Women’s Equality Day was passed by Congress in 1973. If you’re curious as to the explanation of Women’s Equality Day, here is an except from the National Women’s History Project:

The date was selected to commemorate the 1920 certification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote. This was the culmination of a massive, peaceful civil rights movement by women that had its formal beginnings in 1848 at the world’s first women’s rights convention, in Seneca Falls, New York.

The observance of Women’s Equality Day not only commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment, but also calls attention to women’s continuing efforts toward full equality. Workplaces, libraries, organizations, and public facilities now participate with Women’s Equality Day programs, displays, video showings, or other activities.

So great, right? I love it. It got me thinking though. There are definitely things that can happen at the governmental level to continue to strive toward women’s equality, but what can I do? What can I do here in Dallas, TX as a mom of two daughters, a woman, and an entrepreneur. A lot actually. As a woman, I can do things daily to promote women’s equality without ever leaving the comforts of my neighborhood or costing me a dime.

women pink satin floral kimono

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5 Ways to Celebrate Women’s Equality Day

  • read, learn – Read. Read. Read. Learn. Learn. Learn. With everything, the only way to educate ourselves on what is going on in the world is by reading and learning. Pick up a book, search the internet, talk with others, but do something to educate yourself. Try to learn what inequality still exists out there for women. Learn about our journey as women from having no right to vote to where we are today.
  • reach out to another woman – this one may be the hardest one because it requires you to move outside your comfort zone. Reach out to another woman. Talk to other women. Bridge the gaps that are society has created. Breed equality in your neighborhood. Whether it’s a neighbor you rarely talk to or a woman standing next to you in the school pick-up line, reach out to them.
  • eliminate thoughts of privilege – this is a tough one to swallow. Entitlement is a real thing and most of us are guilty of it. Whether we think we deserve something because of the home we were born in or because we’ve worked our butts off to get where we are, we are not entitled to a dang thing. I am no different than the woman next to me that makes a million dollars as the other woman next to me that makes minimum wage and works multiple jobs. Meditate on where your mindset is on this. Dig into your own life and see where you may be outcasting other women due to race, socioeconomic status, or the crew they run around with. Challenge yourself to move past that and extend love and a warm hello.
  • celebrate other women – It is so incredibly easy to tear other women down. Whether we’re doing it out of insecurity or not, it’s damaging. What if we all supported each other? What difference would we see in the world if we encouraged other women whole-heartedly? Celebrate those women in your lives that are killing it. Celebrate those women that are busting their bums daily. Celebrate those women working for equality for women. Let’s love and support one another!
  • support groups that are already supporting this cause – I like this one because this type of support can take many forms. You can take part in protests, in rallies, or even by shopping. That’s right, I said shopping. Search for companies that are supporting women via their business model. For example, Akola is a jewelry company that empowers women in both Uganda and Dallas, TX. Each piece is hand-crafted by a woman in poverty looking to change her future. Specifically, they are promoting their One Bead. One Hope. collection to celebrate today! See the image below for my favorite necklace from this collection (and it’s only $16!!).

women white box pleat shirtdress

Happy Women’s Equality Day!

women pink satin floral kimonowomen pink satin floral kimonowomen pink satin floral kimonowomen pink satin floral kimonowomen pink satin floral kimonowomen pink satin floral kimono

top: everlane | kimono: flea style c/o (similar) | jeans: levi’s | shoes: target | bag: gigi new york (similar) | sunnies: karen walker

photography: fort lion studio
