Holiday Gift Guide: The Basics

holiday gift guide

Happy Friday and welcome to the first post in my Holiday Shopping Guide!! It seems a little soon to be thinking about Christmas already, but if you caught my post last week, the best way to save money on Christmas shopping is to start early! So, as I stated in last week’s post, I will be posting a shopping guide every Friday that focuses on a different category or type of gift. This week it’s all about the basics!!

 Let’s be honest with each other, buying basics is not the most glamorous type of gift. Basics are often the type of gift that we don’t like to buy for ourselves, but typically need the most. Personally, I hate spending money on running socks, but I can always use more. My husband hates spending money on undershirts, but they wear out so quickly.

So, whether it’s socks or belts, or gloves, I’ve rounded up some practical basics for both men and women that you can grab now to save money later! You can typically find basics on the sale rack, too, so keep your eye out every time you shop. Today, LOFT, Ann Taylor, Banana Republic and J.Crew are having great sales, so I tried to pick items from those stores. You can never go wrong with Target though. 😉

women basics:

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men basics:

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xx – anna
