The Best One Piece Suits Under $150, $100 & $50

swim suits under $150

Happy weekend!!! Our day is off to a great start with surprise donuts from Daddy and now we’re about to make flower crowns for our weekend craft. We also just booked a trip for the girls and I to go spend 5 days at my parents’ lake house in Wisconsin. We love going to the lake there. It’s a tiny little lake that bring a massive amount of joy to it’s inhabitants. In the summer you can hear kids from all around the lake laughing, splashing, and tubing. I grew up going to my grandparent’s lake house and I’m so excited for my girls to have a similar experience!

With the lake on the brain we’ve started thinking about what to pack – namely swim suits. The girls are pretty much set, but I am lacking a bit in the bathing suit department. Although I feel fine wearing a two piece around the hubs, I’m not sure my body is quite ready to be in one in public. Thank God the swim trend is still the one piece suit!

I don’t know if you’ve had a similar experience, but one piece suits can get expensive. I did a lot of hunting over the past day or so, so I thought I’d share with you what I found. There are a ton of options around the $120 range for a splurge, but there are really great options under $100 and $50, too!

UNDER $150

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