Happy Friday, loves!!! Today is a super special day at the Cobbs house as it’s Abby’s 1st birthday!! It’s crazy to think that this little bundle of joy was born exactly 1 year ago today at 9:22 pm. Having not thought we would be unable to have kids in the first place and then thinking we would lose Abby early in our pregnancy, she is truly a miracle baby!
Abigail Claire Cobbs has brought so much joy into our family. She has made our family feel complete and she definitely holds her own in a house full of first borns (my hubs, Emma Grace, and myself). She is the sweet and cuddliest while also managing to have the most fiery personality. She adores her big sister, but we think her big sis may adore her even more.
For those of you who have followed along on this journey since she was born or are just now starting to following along with us, I thought it would be fun to do a little update on Abigail today! I tried to include everything I could think of that might be interesting, but if I left something out that you’d like to hear about, just let me know in the comments!
Abigail Claire Cobbs
Born: 9.16.15 @ 9:22 pm weighing 7.1 oz
Current height/weight: we’ll find out this coming Monday, but she’s been consistently hovering around 85/90% for height and 50/60% for weight
Nicknames: This is our favorite category because she has so many. So, here it goes…Abbydabby, The Shmabbs, Abby little Shmabby, Baby Abby, Baby Sweet, Our little Sweet Sweet, Sleep Sweet (only used when she’s tired of course), Abs, Abadabadoo, The Shmabader, Boo-uh (Emma calls her this b/c this is an approximation of what Abby calls our dog), and AC.
Favorite food: PB&J…I think…she really does like most food unlike her sister
Least favorite food: corn & she did not like formula very much, so we’re happy to be onto real milk now!
Words: dada (this is definitely her favorite word), Emma, Boo-uh (her version of Mia), Mama (rarely uses this one), Papa, hello, hi, bye (said in a heavy southern accent…don’t ask)
Signs: hi, bye, eat, more, all done, drink, water, milk, dog (sometimes), banana
Favorite toy: Bitty Baby! She has been trying to get Emma’s bitty baby since the day she learned to crawl and finally got her very own for her birthday thanks to her Mimi! We are slowly learning that as a mom of two girls close in age we will be needing to buy two of the same thing for the holidays…
Teeth: she has 8 now!
Walking status: she is currently taking about 4-5 steps on her own, but still prefers crawling as it’s a faster means of getting around, haha.
Traveler: Abby is great in the car and on long road trips, but she’s a maniac on the plane. She’s not necessarily a crier, but will NOT sit still so flying is a bit of a work out for mom and dad to put it nicely
Because today is a celebratory day for us, we wanted you to be able to celebrate too, so look below to enter a fun giveaway!!!
Now…it’s time for a fabulous giveaway!
I’ve teamed up with an amazing group of bloggers
to give YOU a chance to win:
$550 NORDSTROM gift card!
Simply enter below by completing the rafflecopter.
You’ll receive one entry per completion.
This giveaway is open internationally and runs until 9/30.
Winner will be announced here. Good Luck!
xx – anna