60 Reasons I am Celebrating My Sweet Mother

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Happy Tuesday and happy 60th birthday to my mom!! I am so bummed I can’t be with her today. But, I am excited to celebrate her here today and then with her in person in a few weeks. One of my favorite things about birthdays is that we get to take time to reflect on the past year in regards to that specific person. We get to celebrate their best qualities and the way they impact us and others. So today, I’m going to celebrate my mom’s monumental birthday by sharing 60 reasons why I love my mom.

60 Reasons I am Celebrating My Mom

  1. She loves Jesus.
  2. She loves my dad unconditionally.
  3. She loves me and my siblings unconditionally.
  4. She gave me a brother and sister.
  5. She is the best Mimi to my two girls.
  6. She has a beautiful love for God’s creation.
  7. She is a fabulous gardener and is helping me to have a green thumb.
  8. She has such a beautiful, soft smile.
  9. She has a great sense of humor.
  10. She’s stubborn. I think it’s where I get it…
  11. She is the strongest woman I know.
  12. She has an insatiable thirst for learning.
  13. She is a hard worker. Let me say that again. She is a hard worker.
  14. She has taught me to have grit, and she’s a walking example of grit.
  15. She pours scripture into my life regularly.
  16. She loves hot tamales.
  17. She is one of the most selfless people I know.
  18. She is tender-hearted.
  19. She has a soft spot for the elderly and those in need.
  20. She speaks beautiful Spanish.
  21. She never gives up on me.
  22. She constantly encourages me.
  23. She supports me (emotionally, physically and intellectually) in every thing I do.
  24. She pushes me to constantly better myself.
  25. She has a deep knowledge of God’s word.
  26. She shares her faith regularly.
  27. She hugs me!
  28. She taught me how to camp.
  29. She instilled in me a love for the mountains!
  30. She never stops talking. Another thing I learned from her…
  31. She’s never met a stranger.
  32. She is a prayer warrior.
  33. She is loyal.
  34. She’s a tried and true Virgo.
  35. She has a major sweet tooth. And so do I…
  36. She is modest.
  37. She is frugal in the best way. Wish this was a gene she had passed on…
  38. She taught me how to sale shop. She’s a pro.
  39. She is my biggest cheerleader.
  40. She has one of the biggest hearts for those in need.
  41. Her eye for detail is a gift.
  42. She has taught me how to set boundaries.
  43. Her smile is infectious.
  44. She taught me to love antiquing. I still can’t find gems quite like she can.
  45. She loves my friends like they are family.
  46. She loves to explore new cities and new places.
  47. She invests time and energy into my girls.
  48. She slow to speak and quick to listen.
  49. She is stubborn as hell. And so am I.
  50. She has a love for the arts.
  51. She is a great story teller.
  52. She has a gift for extending others grace, even when they don’t deserve it.
  53. She is very meticulous and always finishes what she starts.
  54. Even though she lives far away, she makes a concerted effort to see my siblings and me.
  55. She is generous with her time and her money.
  56. She doesn’t get caught up in what and who society says she needs to be.
  57. She has the most beautiful, most flawless skin.
  58. She is the perfect example of what a mother and friend should be.
  59. She’s my best friend.
  60. She’s my mom.

I love you mom and hope you’re having the very best time celebrating in the Windy City!! 
