Why Coconut Oil in Coffee is Good for You

Have you ever tried drinking your coffee with coconut oil? Believe it or not, there are many benefits to drinking your coffee with coconut oil.

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Happy Friday, loves! Hooray for the weekend finally coming! Today is such a pretty Spring day with perfectly cool temperatures outside that it makes me want to snuggle up in bed all day. I made Emma Grace promise to lay in bed with me today at nap time and look at magazines and drink coffee (just me on the later). She was game. She’s my girly girl.

A couple of weeks ago I had a friend tell me she drinks her coffee with coconut oil. She boasted of the benefits and said it made it taste good too. Then I went to work and a co-worker was drinking her coffee with coconut oil. Now, I’ve heard of and had bullet proof coffee with butter, but coconut oil? I had just never heard of it. Cooking-wise we switched to cooking with coconut oil a couple of months ago, so I was genuinely intrigued about putting it in coffee.

This past week I started drinking my decaf coffee (read here about why I gave up caffeine), and I love it! Honestly, decaf coffee kinda stinks taste-wise, so the added coconut flavor makes a big difference! I also started researching why on earth it’s beneficial to put coconut oil in your coffee. What I found was really cool and so I wanted to share with you guys!


  • you burn more calories – coconut oil is a “thermogenic food” meaning you expend more energy burning it and therefore burn more fat. AKA it speeds up your metabolism. Wohoo!
  • it gives you more energy – sourcethe medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil convert to energy faster rather than being stored as fat, therefore giving you more energy. ()
  • improves digestions – you may not need help in this department, but coconut oil acts as a natural laxative therefore helping to clear out your digestive tract.
  • keeps your blood sugar in line – sourceunlike most food, coconut oil does not trigger insulin release therefore helping to keep your insulin levels from spiking and dipping. ()
  • fights infection – the medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil increase immunity; the lauric acid in coconut oil provides an antiviral and antibacterial aspect to the medium chain fatty acids
  • can make you eat less – the lauric acid in coconut oil actually makes you feel full therefore curbing your appetite. Now, I’m not saying coconut oil coffee should be a meal replacement. But, when you drink it with your breakfast, you’ll find that you aren’t really hungry again until lunch. (source)

If you’re curious to learn more and read a bit more in depth about the benefits of coconut oil, check out this article “Top 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Oil.” And again, I am just learning, but wanted to include y’all in my learning process because so many of you expressed interest last week on my instagram stories!

