Summer Stripes for Mommy & Me

mommy and me stripes

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Happy Tiny Tuesday! I’m so excited to be making an appearance with my girls in today’s Tiny Tuesday post to bring you guys a new mommy + me look – summer stripes! I’m not going to lie, I got a little emotional writing today’s post and for no good reason except for the fact that we’re leaving tomorrow for Italy and will be away from our girls for 10 straight days. I’ve traveled abroad several times throughout their childhood, but this time it just feels harder for some reason. I don’t know if it’s because there are two now instead of 1 or if it’s because they’ve become my best friends, or just the fact that I won’t get to give them a million kisses each day. Pray for me mammas!

I thought it would be fun to share a little about my girls in today’s post in addition to our mommy + me style. If you scroll on, I’m sharing with you our main nicknames for the girls, why we started calling them that, and giving you a little glimpse into their personality now.

Style-wise we thought it would be fun to share our take on summer stripes. Abigail (the youngest) has on the cutest sundress with a cold shoulder cutout and ruffle hem, Emma Grace paired her ruffle skirt with an eyelet top, and I went for a more classic stripes look with a button down dress.

mommy and me stripes

Emma Grace a.k.a. “LITTLE WIGGLE”

Emma Grace is our oldest and we started calling her “Little Wiggle” almost straight out of the womb. She originally got her nickname because, well, she never stopped moving. She was constantly wiggling, rolling, crawling, and only had two speeds – running or sleeping. From the day this little love was born she has been on the go – she’s constantly singing, talking, making up stories, coloring, playing mom, dancing, and yes, running.

white eyelet toddler topmommy and me stripes

Abigail a.k.a. “BABY SWEET”

I wish you could hear Abby say “Baby Sweet” now – her articulation isn’t perfect yet, so she says “baby seeet” and she always has the biggest smile on her face when she says it. Like Emma Grace’s, Abby’s nickname came about pretty much right after birth. We started calling Abby “Baby Sweet” because she seemed so calm, so quite, so peaceful, and so sweet. We said about a million times that Abby would be our calm, quiet, slow-paced child. We thought it would be a nice change after her extremely energetic sister. Boy were we wrong…

Abigail is anything but calm, haha. Just like her sister she is full of energy. She’s constantly running, dancing, playing, and unlike her sister, she’s got a whole lot of spunk. She will be my child that pushes the limit simply to see my reaction. Lordy. We still call her Baby Sweet though because even though she gives me a run for my money each and every day, she is so incredibly sweet still. In between her running or putting her babies in time out, she wants to hold my hand or lay her head on my shoulder or give “disses” (kisses).

toddler stripe dressmommy and me stripesstripe toddler dress


Y’all, I consider myself beyond blessed to have these two girls and I don’t know what I would do without my little buddies. They are a pure joy and I love them to pieces.

mommy and me stripes


stripe button down dresskaren walker sunglassesstripe button down dress

Anna – dress: morning lavender | sandals: sam & libby | sunnies: karen walker

Emma Grace – top: old navy | skirt: old navy | sandals: old navy

Abby – dress: old navy | sandals: target

photography: fort lion studio
