Happy Halloween, loves!! I hope you’re all having a great day and are ready to get out there and trick or treat! Parents – I won’t judge you if you carry a Yeti around – full of wine – while your kids trick-or-treat. We may or may not have done that last year…
I have to be honest, this Halloween didn’t quite pan out like we had planned. It has rained all day here in Dallas and most likely will continue to do so all through the night. We also had to take Abby to the doctor randomly and found out she has an ear infection, eye infection, and fever. Poor babe! It stunk having to break the news to her. But despite having to pivot some today, our morning was full of fun!
Emma Grace had a Halloween parade at her school this morning followed by her very first book report. Then off I went to attend Abby’s Halloween party at her school. It’s been an eventful day, but one I wouldn’t trade for the world. It’s days like today when I’m running around constantly that I feel like I really put my deodorant to the test.
Since switching to natural deo, I’ve been nervous about busy days or workout days as I keep thinking I’ll start to smell. I can’t tell you how many times I check myself to see if I smell. And? I don’t! I have been so incredibly happy with this natural deo. It’s the first one that has truly worked for me. I stated this in my original post too, but it’s also incredibly gentle on my skin. I kept waiting for the ball to drop and my skin to break out in a rash, but it never did!
Y’all, I love this deo so much that I told my dermatologist about it and now she’s recommending it to her patients with sensitive skin! Even my sister jumped ship from regular deo and switched to natural deo. I’m telling y’all, you gotta try it!
I do hope you know that this post is not an ad. I simply wanted to give you an update. For me, when I am looking to buy a new product I want to know if it truly does work. Hearing it from a friend or influencer one time is great, but I’m more interested in knowing if it works for the long haul. And I can say with certainty that this one does. I felt like I owed it to you guys to keep you updated.
Hope you found this helpful and please let me know if you have any questions!!!