My Birthday Wish List

Hey, there! I’m so glad you’re here!

My birthday is next week (wohoo!) and I’ve started making a birthday wish list. This year my wish list is a combo of practical items as well as items I’ve been eyeing for awhile, but haven’t purchased.

november birthday wish list

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my birthday wish list:

  • AMAZON ROBE –  I love getting ready in the morning in my robe, but the robe I always wear gets way too hot. I found this lightweight robe on Amazon and think it’ll be perfect – breathable and comfortable.
  • NIKE SNEAKERS – I absolutely love the color of these sneakers – they would go with so much, and they’re under $100!
  • TARGET BOOTS – how cute are these boots? I love the color and the heel and they’re under $50!
  • LE LABO SANTAL – this is my all-time favorite perfume. I wear it all the time and can never have enough.
  • CARHARTT BEANIEI’ve wanted one of these beanies for awhile now and know I’d wear this color all winter long.
  • SPANX JOGGERS – I live for spanx leggings. I wear my faux leather leggings and this pair as well all winter. I think this pair would be fun to dress down with sneakers or up with heels and a lacey blouse.
  • FAUX LEATHER OVERALLS – I freaking love these overalls. They’re different from just faux leather pants and they make such a fun statement.
  • SKI HELMET – I’m in need of a ski helmet and love the look and fit of this one. I tried it on over the summer and loved the way it fit.
  • SKI JACKET – I’ve been looking for a white ski jacket and foundthis one with rave reviews on Amazon of all places.
  • SKI BIB – I got a black ski bib from Amazon a few years back and it worked so well, I’d love a white one!
  • SKI MITTENSone can never have too many ski mittens!