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How often do you challengeyour personal beliefs? I’ve recently been reading Quit Like a Woman and it has been challenging me in this exact way. I find that any time my personal beliefs are challenged, I go through a series of emotions; denial and defensiveness are two that come to mind. I think it stems from a place of not wanting to be wrong, to be challenged, or to feel like I’ve missed it. It can be so hard to see a different perspective, but it’s also very freeing. Quit Like a Woman is about the drinking culture we live in and it’s been the most fascinating read. It’s caused me to pause and really think about the drinking culture we live in as well as the social constructs we’ve created around drinking versus not drinking. I definitely recommend checking this book out. I’m hoping to finish it today!
I’ve read several books now that discuss the benefits of a healthy morning ritual. I used to be very routine in the morning, but have gradually moved away from a solid morning routine. This past week however, I’ve spent some time meditating on what a positive morning ritual would look like for me. Previously, my morning routine was focused around checking boxes – doing my devotional, checking my email in quiet, etc. Now, I’d like my morning ritual to be a routine that is focused around centering myself and starting my day with gratitude and joy. Some of the items I’m considering adding are below and I’m looking forward to implementing them into my routine next week. What do you include in your morning ritual?
time in the Word
lemon water to restore my pH balance
a joyful activity – singing, dancing, sitting outside
elimination of iPhone use until the girls are dropped off at school
How do you reconnect with your significant other when life gets crazy? Travis was gone all last weekend and then when he and the girls got home Sunday, we hit the ground running. Our kids’ activities have picked up this week and Travis or I have had an adult event each night once the girls have gone to sleep. It’s crazy because I feel like we haven’t been able to have even a 5 minute conversation. Pre-kids we would reconnect by going on a walk – getting outdoors and away from technology. It’s a bit harder to do that or escape on a date night these days. The best solution we came up with was setting aside a designated time in the evening to talk without phones or the TV on. Going forward though, I’m wondering if scheduled lunch dates or something of the like might be beneficial.
I’ve officially made the shift, the denim shift. I never thought I’d see the day that I mindlessly reached for a pair of straight leg denim over skinny jeans. While I still have all my skinny jeans and wear them from time to time, I’ve truly grown to love my straight leg jeans and have even embraced the wide leg jeans and flares trends. Who would have thought?!