Midweek Mentions 3.9.22

palm desert palm springs

midweek mentions:

  • Do you talk about national or world issues with your children? We have been trying to be very mindful in the way we share current events with our kids. We believe it’s at the detriment of our children for us to shield them from reality, but also want to be intentional about how we share what’s going on in our world. What’s cool about being a parent is you have the ability to set the tone for how and what you share. The biggest thing we’ve shared with our girls as of late is the invasion of Ukraine. I read a guide to sharing about Ukraine with kids and I loved that it stressed using language and sharing only what your child can handle given their age. For example, Abby is 6, so we simply told her there was a war happening between Ukraine and Russia. We talked about how innocent people are getting hurt and how the people of Ukraine are feeling sad and scared. We discussed how we – all the way across the ocean – can pray for them and pray to soften Putin’s heart. Emma Grace is 8, so we shared a bit more with her. We shared some basic history with her and why Putin decided to invade. We got to use bigger words and go a little deeper. We have agreed to not show them any footage at this point, but want to help them to see that there is sin and suffering in this world, but our God is bigger than that. There is nothing too big or too small for God. We are also learning a lot about prayer life in our family, so it’s been a great opportunity to stress praying for others and praying for big things. How do you share current events with your kids?
  • The Summer Camp Showdown! I always forget that spring feels like a mad dash to get your kids signed up for any and every camp. Each one seems to fill up in about 2 second, too! It’s crazy! In summer’s past I have been all about doing as many summer camps as possible. I love that camps give your child such a unique experience, and I love that it gives me a little “me” time. This summer I’ve found myself holding back a bit though. Both of my girls will still attend Pine Cove and VBS, but I’m struggling to book more and it’s throwing me off. Truthfully, I feel myself trying to savor every waking moment with them while they’re still little and want to hang out. So, selfishly, I think we’re cutting back a little bit in the area of camps and I am A-okay with it!
  • Travis has officially declared this coming summer “the summer of the Tiki cocktail.” I’m not sure I’ve ever had a tiki cocktail, but I’m here for it! I’m actually excited to get out of our comfort zone and try some new cocktail recipes! Have you ever had a tiki cocktail?
  • This might be a lame thing to share, but one of the things I’m most excited about this week is our Open House at our elementary school. Since COVID, parents as a whole have not been allowed in the school building. Volunteers and room moms have been able to trickle through, but not all parents. I am beyond pumped to be able to walk into my girls’ classrooms and see their work.
  • Trav’s birthday is coming up and we’re celebrating this Friday with a family dinner. We’re trying out a new Dallas restaurant, Sister, and the menu looks legit.


xx – anna
