Invest a little extra time & love into your loved ones!

toddler girl denim romper

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you all have such special plans for today. I am a big celebrater of any holiday, so we’ve been celebrating today since February 1 I feel like. Travis and I had a staycation a couple weekends ago to celebrate alone and last night Travis took Emma Grace on a Valentine’s Day date to get ice cream cones. Then tonight I am making my mom’s traditional red and pink dinner for my little family and my sister. I’ll also be attending Emma Grace’s class field trip this AM as they since Valentine’s Day songs at an assisted living facility, so feel free to follow along on my instastories!

toddler girl denim romper

On days like today though, I urge you to show a little extra kindness, a little extra love to those around you. In a day and age when we are all always on the go, it’s so easy to forget how much quality time can mean to someone. We forget how big of an impact we can have on someone simply by slowing down, taking time to listen, and loving someone the way they receive love.

This past Friday I was really feeling convicted about how I’ve been spending my time on my days off with the girls. I wanted to make a shift in my behavior and become more intentional with the time I was given to be with my girls (read: no work, no phones). So, I’ve been processing how I can better divide my time and trying to nail down how each of my girls feels loved.

 For Emma Grace, she is quality time to the max. So, this past Friday when Abigail (my youngest) was napping Emma Grace and I had a tea party. Not just any tea party though. We curled Emma Grace’s hair and styled it just like Belle. She wore high heels, lipstick, and her Belle costume. We drank real tea and had real cake. It was so intentional and such a sweet time with her. Emma Grace loves imaginative play and anything related to princesses, so allowing her to be in her element and experiencing that with her was so incredible. She really lit up and I loved seeing that!

Then, fast forward to an hour or so before Trav got home. I ended up getting a bad stomach ache so all I could muster the strength to do was lay on the couch while my girls played in the living room. While I was lying on the couch though Abigail would bring me books, toys, and every 5 or so minutes would actually crawl up on the couch and physically lay on me. She was craving my attention. I know my time with her is different because I’m sharing it with another child, but it made me realize just how much she needs some one-on-one time with mommy, too. So, on Mondays when EG is at dance, I’m trying to be more intentional about my alone time with Abigail.

I guess all I’m trying to say is that in a world where we are so consumed by social media and by our phones, we need to be taking time to just unplug. It’s so much easier said than done, but I know my girls feel so much more loved when I’m on the floor with them, without my phone, and we’re playing princess or kitchen. I know my husband feels more loved when I’m sitting next to him talking or listening to a new record rather than scrolling through my instagram feed as we watch a TV show.

Y’all, let’s let today be the beginning of a year where we intentionally love those around us in the way they receive love. Who’s with me?

toddler girl denim rompertoddler girl denim rompertoddler girl denim rompertoddler girl denim rompertoddler girl denim romper

romper: target | sweater: oshkosh | shoes: similar | bow: emma joy bows c/o

photography: sukilynn
