My Girls’ Top 11 Favorite Books

cosabella nightgown

Happy Tiny Tuesday, loves!! We’re so happy you came to the blog today because we’re talking about one of our favorite activities – reading!! Reading to the girls has always been a part of our nightly routine, and until recently we were reading to the girls separately. Travis read to Abigail and got her ready for bed while I read to Emma Grace and worked with her on her night routine. Of course we would switch up time with the girls, but we kept them separate as their reading levels were quite a bit different.

However, we moved the girls into the same room a couple of weeks ago and have since adapted our nightly routine to include reading time with both girls. I thought it might be tricky, but truthfully, it’s been so fun! Emma Grace gets a kick out of rereading some of her old favorites and Abby thinks she’s such a big girl getting to sit next to her sister and listen to her current favorites. I think the part that makes me smile the most is that they gravitate toward the same books (minus EG’s obsession with flag books and anything having to do with flags).

Some of our favorites are oldies that probably make everyone’s list, but others are Cobbs family favorites and/or newer books. Check out our favorites below (all of them are available via prime simply by clicking the image), and let us know if your favorites align with ours!

Emma Grace & Abby’s favorite books:

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