Happy Tiny Tuesday! Today we are kicking off our gift guide series in prep for the holidays with our gift guide for your mommy friend.
Have you ever been invited to a baby’s first birthday party or found yourself on the baby aisle the week before Christmas trying to figure out what the heck your niece/nephew would wear? Even if you are a genius at picking out baby clothing, do you get stumped by the sizing? Have no fear, today we have picked out our favorite clothing items for boys and for girls.
tip: when in doubt, buy 1 size up – kids are growing all the time & at different rates, and growing into things is much easier than squeezing into some tight pants // also, gift receipts are your best friend
1. zara dress 2. gap skirt 3. old navy sweater 4. kennedy’s collections head wrap 5. von bon scarf 6. zara top 7. old navy vest 8. kennedy’s collections leggings 9. moccs by robin leopard moccasins
1. old navy jacket 2. greythread tee 3. jcrew plaid shirt 4. zara sweater 5. von bon scarf 6. zara reindeer sweater 7. moccs by robin plaid with faux fur moccasins 8. old navy canvas jacket 9. kennedy’s collections personalized swaddle blanket 10. gap jeans
xo -anna & emma grace