affordable, adorable clothes for girls for back to school

Do you go back-to-school shopping with your kids? Growing up, back-to-school shopping wasn’t ever a big deal. We always got a couple new pieces, but we never had one big shopping spree. I don’t know why, but it’s always something I wanted to do when I was little and I was eager to start that with my girls.

Prior to this year I had done almost all the clothes shopping for Emma and Abby. This year though, I wanted them to have a say in their back-to-school clothes. I had envisioned doing one big shopping outing with each girl, but we ended up going a different route.

Over the last few weeks we made several shopping trips to some of our favorite stores like H&M, JCrew, and Target. Instead of feeling pressure to find everything at one store or in one trip, we took our time. We honed in on the pieces that were missing from their wardrobe and intentionally sought out those pieces. It was fun to show my girls how to shop smart and be intentional. It was even more fun to see the joy on their faces as I let them be a part of the process. They each took their shopping sprees to heart.

Honestly, I think the coolest thing for me was seeing the similarities and differences in their styles. They both gravitated to some of the same pieces, but also chose some very different items. In the end though, they are the exact same size, so those lucky girls are going to have twice the clothes they normally would!

Anyway, in case you’re back-to-school shopping or looking for a couple of pieces to add to your daughter’s wardrobe, I thought I’d share my girls’ wardrobes.

Emma Grace’s Back-To-School Clothes:

back to school wardrobe

Shop Emma’s Clothes:

Abigail’s Back-To-School Clothes:

back to school wardrobe


Shop Abby’s Clothes:
